Friday, October 22, 2010

So I have been officially tagged by my favorite preggers (and cousin-in-law) Alyssa (two cents of Thiessen) on her blog to answer some questions! Since I love finding out things about people and how they think, I am just going to assume that you all feel the same way! When I'm done answering these questions I have to "tag" some of my other blogger friends to answer some of my own questions!! So here we go...

1. When you were growing up, what did you want to be?

None of you are going to believe this but up until puberty(silly boobs, they wreck your brain) I wanted to be a scientist. I loved experimenting with anything I could get my hands on and loved my microscope. Then when I discovered the stage that's the only place I wanted to be. And still when I get the chance to act in plays or anything, I love it.

2. If you were given an exorbitant amount of money and were told you had to spend it all in one place immediately, what would you do with it?

Hmmm..this is a tough one. If I am allowed to cheat, I would spend it at Safeway where you can buy almost any gift card to any store you can think of, but if I had to choose I would say Target.

3. If you had to choose one food to eat exclusively on a deserted island for the next year, what would it be and why?

Lobster. Not even a question. Its just so good and something that makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

4. Where were you at this time last week?

The time right now is 12:58 on Saturday night and if I tell you what I was doing(who I was doing to be more specific) at this time last week I don't think you would be able to look me in the eye anymore.... *smirk*

5. What do you want to know about the future?

How my girls grow up. Sometimes I just wish I could see the future to see if I'm totally screwing them up or if through some miracle they grow up to be strong, christian women. Only through God's wisdom will I succeed.

6. Do you collect anything?

Shoes. (surprised?)

7. What are you looking forward to most in the next month?

Christmas decorating!! Best time of the year.

8. What would be one of your favorite childhood memories?

Trips to Mexico and B.C. every year. One side of my family lives at each end and it was always so much fun to drive there every year. Also rides in the semi with my dad traveling all over the place.

My questions for my blogger friends:

1. Do you have any phobias?

2. If you have the house to yourself all afternoon, what do you do?

3. Whats a movie you could watch over and over?

4. Do you have any bad habits?

5. Whats the one thing you love most about your husband?

6. If you had three wishes, what would they be? (no wishing for more wishes!)

7. Whats one of your earliest memories?

8. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

And here are the people I would love to see answer these questions!

Under Our Tin Roof


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