Thursday, September 30, 2010

Putting things in perspective

So lately I have been taking a break from etsy and facebook and such. I started to get too wrapped up in the excitment of card orders and making money that I forgot why I started doing this. Soon the card orders stopped coming and nothing was selling on etsy and I started to get blue and feel sorry for myself. My wonderful husband took me in his arms one night and reminded me that I do this because I LOVE to make cards, not to make money! We have always managed on his income and that i didn't need to feel so compelled to make money for the family. Not working outside the home and bringing in a steady income has always bothered me, and then my Hero said to me: "Sher, I just make the money, you are molding the future. My name might be on the cheque, buy we both have earned it." Hope this encourages you and for those of you that are stay at home moms trying to put things in perspective remember that God must have thought you were pretty amazing to entrust you with his most precious creation...children.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So my neighbour (and friend) recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and to celebrate babies here are some baby cards!