Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Craft of the Week - Part 2

So my family of four is off on our first ever family vacation to somewhere else other than camp (which we love). We are off to Arizona to thaw out and spend some quality time with my husbands family so OF COURSE I have to think of a fun craft related to family vacations and here it is! (please note I did not think of this one myself, I was at Rosenort Moms Group and Karen Hildebrandt gave me the idea, and I didn't have a camera so you have to use your imagination)

Road Trip on a String

First get yourself some elastic or you can use string or yarn. I prefered elastic because then you can stretch it the length of your vehicle

Next make yourself a little paper car or van to represent your happy family vehicle! I got this template googling "paper van"

Next write, or type all of the major cities and stops you will be driving through and cut them out leaving lots of paper on the top and bottom of the writing. (i cut mine out in the shape of the state or province we are driving through)

Next tape or hot glue gun(love that glue gun!!) all your destinations on your elastic or string and place your vehicle around the elastic so that it can move freely. (sorry I have NO picture to show)

Now you have a fun way of showing your kids how far we have come, whats coming up and how far you have to go!! Hope it inspires you! Thanks for taking interest.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Craft of the week

So with valentines day coming up I figured the craft this week SHOULD have something to do with it. Please forgive the pictures. It was my first attempt and took these myself.
Felt Fortune Cookies
Start off with a sheet(I used 8.5x11) of pink or red felt

Using anything you have around the house (Ziplock lids!), trace circles with a pen. Cut out the circles.

Cut strips from the leftover felt the length of the circles

Using any sort of heavy wire (I used straighten out paper clips!), hot glue them to the center of your circle.

Next, hot glue gun the "leftover strip" to the middle to hide the wire. You can do the wire and felt all at once to save time. (if you're wondering why I have three arms, my 3 year old, Leah was helping me...)

Fold in half...

Holding the felt in your thumb and index finger, bend the wire away from you

These are ones I made with different colors of felt. I put a little "sexy" fortune in each one like; "I see you getting lucky tonight" and put them in a bowls in our ensuit and bedroom. Hope you have lots of fun making these cute little "cookies" and putting your own "sexy" fortunes in!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Back BABY!!

So I have taken a step back and with the wise guidance of my SIL, re-thought my little budding business. I will be featuring seasonal cards, (valentines, easter, etc) as well as a craft-of-the-week to get all of your creative juices flowing!

I also will be showing you my exciting new crocheted creations I have been working on!
I still will have my "any occasion" cards on here for you to peek at and I plan on updating once a week! Would love some feedback and if there is anything specific you would love to see please feel free to let me know! Thanks so much for reading and supporting!
These are my valentines cards just for you!