Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Craft of the Week - 12

Yarn Flowers

what you will need:

- embroidery floss
- yarn

- green cloth covered floral wire

- green floral tape

- scissors

1.For stamens, wind floss four times around two fingers: for petals, wind yarn fifteen times around three fingers.

2. Center floss on top of yarn. Fold 9 to 10 inches of floral wire in half.

3. Hook wire over center of yarn and floss; pinch tight, and twist to create the stem.

4. Snip looped ends of floss and yarn, and fluff up!

5. Cinch at base of flower with floral tape and cover stem.
6. Trim stamens short, adjust petals, trimming to desired length. Tie flowers together and attach a safety pin for a corsage. Or use more floral tape for a vine to crawl along the handle of a straw basket.

If thats not the bees knees, I don't know what is!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Craft of the Week-11

Striped Bangle Bracelets

Use a basic decoupage process to ass bright tissue-paper stripes to inexpensive wooden bracelets.

What you need:

- paper towel
- white acrylic paint(dollarama!)

- unfinished wooden bangles($2 at Micheals)

- small bowls

- tissue paper cut into 3 inch stripes for small bangles, 6 inch for big

- Mod Podge craft adhesive (if you don't have this yet, now is the time!!)

- craft knife

1. Whitewash bangle: Dampen paper towel and dip into paint. Smooth paint onto the surface of the bangle, inside and out. Let dry.

2. Balance the bangle on a small bowl. For each stripe, brush one side of tissue with adhesive and smooth the strip onto the bangle. Leave the excess tissue at inner edge. Let dry.3. Trim excess tissue using craft knife. Brush adhesive over outside of bracelet to seal. Let dry. Ta Da! Your done! Wasn't that super easy!!??

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Craft of the Week-10

"Homegrown" Tomato Pincushions

These whimsical sewing-box staples are just as sweet as garden-grown tomatoes, and you don't have to wait until summer to enjoy them!

What you will need:

- fabric(red or green pattern are nice)

- knowledge of sewing(which I am lacking)

- sewing paraphernalia(needles, thread, etc.)

- cotton batting(filler)

1. Cut a rectangle of fabric on the bias thats twice as long as it is wide. (the largest i made was 3 1/4 inches in diameter and required a 10-by-5 inch piece). With fabric facing right side up, fold in half as shown, and join ends with a 1/4 seam. Sew a running stitch around the top edge; tightly pull thread to cinch fabric, and secure with stitches.

2. Turn pouch right side out. Stuff with batting. Sew a running stitch around the open end; pull thread to cinch fabric. Tack shut with a few stitches and knot. To flatten, double-thread a cording needle with crochet thread and pull it through the "core" a few times. Mimic a tomato's fluted details by wrapping the thread around the cushion and back through the core several times. Knot the thread at the top to finish.

I would LOVE to see pictures if any of you sewers(is that right?) attempt this! I know you are out there! Patti, I'm talking to you!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Craft of the Week-9

So you know how we(or at least me) never know what to get "daddy"(your husband) for fathers day. Well I have given up trying and decided to go straight to his stomach. These are wicked cute cupcakes that will make him smile...

Daddy's Day Cupcakes

you will need:

- chocolate cake mix(and whatever is required with that)

- M&Ms

- shredded coconut

- green and grey food coloring

- assorted chocolates(like Rolos or Pot of Gold)

- black(gross!) or grape string licorice

- jellybeans or mike and ikes

- icing

- chocolate sauce

1. Make the cupcakes as directed on the box.

2. While they are cooling, mix a small amount of green food coloring with your coconut.

3. Once the cupcakes are cooled you can go to town decorating them like the ones shown below!

This one has icing and green colored coconut covering it with a chocolate lawnmower on top

These ones are made to look like a grill with grey icing and various gummy candies to look like kabobs and the jellybeans make good hotdogs with a toothpick dipped in chocolate sauce and "grilled" on top of the jellybeans. Happy Father's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Craft of the Week-8

So, i was thinking about what to do this week and seeing as its Mothers Day(really it should be called Mother-in-Laws day) and I am a proud mother of little crafters who SO want to make me feel special, this is what I found:

Mother's Day Newspaper

I found this template that you can print off at and search:"mother's day newspaper". Its a fun, unique way for your kids to show their love to the best moms in the world, theirs!! Hope you have fun this weekend giving and recieving love! Happy Mother's Day to all the hard-working, guilt-ridden(don't we all feel guilt?) mothers in the world.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Craft of the Week-7

So usually for the "COTW" I go on my favorite websites and see which ones are do-able and share them with you. This week I let my 6 year old Emma pick and this is the one she chose!
DIY Orange Soap

you will need:

- assorted citrus, berries, or herbs

- paper coffee filters, if using herbs

- clean, dry containers like juice boxes or yogurt cups

- heat resistant glass measuring cup or bowl

- non-stick spray

- glycerin soap base (note:do NOT try to cross the boarder with that. They think its explosives. funny story)

The instructions shown are just for the citrus soap. Feel free to go to for the other instructions.

1. Puree oranges(i used 4 christmas oranges and my food processor)

2. To determine how much glycerine soap base you need, fill mold(I used an empty juice box) with water, then pour it into your measuring cup. Dump the water and dry out your measuring cup.

3. Cut up your clear glycerin into cubes and melt it 30 seconds at a time in the microwave. Make sure it does not boil, or it will turn to dough...and smell bad....

4. Once its all melted, add your orange puree(I did 2 tbsp) and stir. Then pour your soap into your mold and let it sit at room temp for about 3 hours.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Craft of the Week-6

So as you can tell, I'm a little behind with my "craft of the week" so I tried to find a REALLY good one for you guys!

With Easter on fast approach, I have been "slightly" annoyed at all the attention going to chocolate(one of my weakness') and bunnies. I've been trying to stress to my kids the importance of remembering Jesus dying for our sins and that it is so very special that he loved us so much. Its very easy to "remember" Jesus, but do we really think about it? I have had people near to me pass away and have always struggled with the thought of them being forgotten. How much MORE should we be remembering what Jesus did for us?!

This craft is meant for just any old book, but for those of you who have little ones with their own bibles(and feel ambitious enough), to make this cover for their bibles and I encourage you while you are doing this craft, to talk about Jesus. He loves us soo much.

Book Blankets

(please read ALL of the instructions before you start, if you want to do the optional pen holder, or pocket. It tricked me!) will need:

- felt (or, a fun fabric!)

- scissors

- ruler

- pins

embroidery needle and thread(feel free to call me, I have TONS)

- button(optional)

- self adhesive Velcro dot(dollarama)

1. To make a cover, open your chosen book and measure the width and height. Add one inch to each measurement and cut out a piece of felt with those dimensions. For the inside flaps, cut two additional pieces of felt the same height as the main piece and two0thirds the width of the closed book's front cover.

2. Lay an inside flap on top of each end of the main piece and pin the flaps and the main piece together. With embroidery thread, sew a running stitch about 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch from the edge around the entire border.

3. If you like, add one of these extras:

Notebook pocket: Before attaching the inside flaps, cut a piece of felt that's 1 1/2 inches wider and 1/2 inch shorter that's your notepad. Sew it in the center of what will be the front cover of the book.

Faux Button Closure: Before attaching the inside flaps, cut a strap that's 1 1/2 inch wide and as long as the width of an inside flap. Sandwich the strap between the back flap and the cover and pin it in place, then sew around the end of the strap and sew on a button. Affix a self-adhesive Velcro dot to the strap and the front of the cover.

Pen holder: After the cover is finished and on the book, cut a 1 3/4 inch square out of felt. With the book closed, lay the square over a pen on the book's spine and pin it in place. Take the cover off the book, then sew on the square.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Craft of the Week-5

Eggshell Flowerpots

Young gardeners can use eggshells as pots to start seeds and coffee-stirrer tags to foretell what will pop up where! All you need is egg shells, dirt, seeds and eager little hands!

1. Plant seeds according to package instructions, and nestle planters in an egg carton on a sunny window sill where they can be watered easily.

2. The first leaves to sprout will be the cotyledons or "seed leaves" which supply nutrients to the young plant until the first true leaves (resembling those of the parent plant) appear.

3. When plants have grown to about 3 inches and have at least two sets of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted to the garden. (remove them from the eggshells first!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Craft of the Week-4 Modern Art

This craft I saw on a CBC show called "Artzooka" which I really like! They have really neat ideas and the host is kind of cute.... :) So this is a craft that is kid friendly and when its done you will have your own modern art piece to proudly hang on the wall!

Modern Art
what you will need:
- empty chip bags(rinsed out)
- duct tape
- cardboard box (cereal box works)
- scissors

A variety of different coloured bags is best

cut the bags into long strips, about an inch thick. This is Emma cutting and pulling pieces apart. (you can have some thinner or thicker. It will give it a nice effect)

Cut your box so that it resembles a "lid" keeping the sides intact. Cover the sides with duct tape (any colour is fine)

Cut the middle of the box out and fold strips of duct tape and tape them across the box to make a frame

Next weave your strips of chip bags inbetween the duct tape frame. Across first, then up and down.

She enjoyed herself a bit more then it looks like in this picture!

Trim off the excess and duct tape the sides to give it a nice finished edge

Monday, March 7, 2011

Craft of the Week-3

So the craft of the week this week comes from the wise and slightly evil Martha. I get e-news from her regularly and I LOVED this craft so I had to show you!! I would have taken pictures of myself doing this but their pictures are much prettier.

Hardware Handbag (be aware that the stuff in brackets is my own opinion;)

Tools and Materials:

- four small hinges

- canvas bag with handles(find fun canvas material to make it prettier)

- needle and thread to match

- pencil or pen

- masking tape

- craft knife(like an exacto)

- fabric glue

skinny belt(I found mine at superstore!)

- small lock (dollarama baby!)

spray paint (optional)


1. Open hinges and stitch each to bag, directly below where each handle end is secured. Reinforce by going through hinge holes several times with thread.

2. Turn bag inside out. Mark two points on each side of bag: 3 inches from top of bag and 1 inch from each side of seam. Place a piece of masking tape over each point. With a craft knife, cut iniform Xs over each point, with the height of each X slightly taller than the width of the belt you intend to use.

3. Fold back the points created by each X, and glue to the inside of bag with fabric glue.

4. Loop belt through the four holes, and buckle. Attach lock to belt. (Tip: if you want to, you can spray paint your lock a fun color to match)
Now, if this is confusing to you, or you're like me and need visuals, feel free to go on the website and search "hardware handbag" to watch a video of how to make this. I will be posting pictures of the one that I made ASAP. Hope it inspires you!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Craft of the Week - Part 2

So my family of four is off on our first ever family vacation to somewhere else other than camp (which we love). We are off to Arizona to thaw out and spend some quality time with my husbands family so OF COURSE I have to think of a fun craft related to family vacations and here it is! (please note I did not think of this one myself, I was at Rosenort Moms Group and Karen Hildebrandt gave me the idea, and I didn't have a camera so you have to use your imagination)

Road Trip on a String

First get yourself some elastic or you can use string or yarn. I prefered elastic because then you can stretch it the length of your vehicle

Next make yourself a little paper car or van to represent your happy family vehicle! I got this template googling "paper van"

Next write, or type all of the major cities and stops you will be driving through and cut them out leaving lots of paper on the top and bottom of the writing. (i cut mine out in the shape of the state or province we are driving through)

Next tape or hot glue gun(love that glue gun!!) all your destinations on your elastic or string and place your vehicle around the elastic so that it can move freely. (sorry I have NO picture to show)

Now you have a fun way of showing your kids how far we have come, whats coming up and how far you have to go!! Hope it inspires you! Thanks for taking interest.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Craft of the week

So with valentines day coming up I figured the craft this week SHOULD have something to do with it. Please forgive the pictures. It was my first attempt and took these myself.
Felt Fortune Cookies
Start off with a sheet(I used 8.5x11) of pink or red felt

Using anything you have around the house (Ziplock lids!), trace circles with a pen. Cut out the circles.

Cut strips from the leftover felt the length of the circles

Using any sort of heavy wire (I used straighten out paper clips!), hot glue them to the center of your circle.

Next, hot glue gun the "leftover strip" to the middle to hide the wire. You can do the wire and felt all at once to save time. (if you're wondering why I have three arms, my 3 year old, Leah was helping me...)

Fold in half...

Holding the felt in your thumb and index finger, bend the wire away from you

These are ones I made with different colors of felt. I put a little "sexy" fortune in each one like; "I see you getting lucky tonight" and put them in a bowls in our ensuit and bedroom. Hope you have lots of fun making these cute little "cookies" and putting your own "sexy" fortunes in!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Back BABY!!

So I have taken a step back and with the wise guidance of my SIL, re-thought my little budding business. I will be featuring seasonal cards, (valentines, easter, etc) as well as a craft-of-the-week to get all of your creative juices flowing!

I also will be showing you my exciting new crocheted creations I have been working on!
I still will have my "any occasion" cards on here for you to peek at and I plan on updating once a week! Would love some feedback and if there is anything specific you would love to see please feel free to let me know! Thanks so much for reading and supporting!
These are my valentines cards just for you!